I've haven't really been slacking that much for the last week or two, although it would appear so from reading this blog. Actually I've been very busy getting my things ready for the "Visions and Perspectives" show. My car is overflowing with photographs and tools and other stuff, and I'll be at the gallery in a few hours to start setting up. The show starts this Saturday, the 4th of December. I know it's a busy time of year what with the holidays and all, but please try to come by if you can! If all goes well tonight I will post some images of us setting up.
There have been a couple of changes. There are now six photographers participating:
In addition, we just recently found out that Yoshio Kitazawa, who was originally supposed to be participating in the show, passed away in September. The show will include a memorial to him, displaying some of his photography.
[ photograph above: Kelso Dunes, 1998 ]