I've been making a lot of edits to my Web site. For some people, the most significant change will be that the light gray text is now solid black!
All my prints are mounted on white mount board and titled/dated/signed lightly in pencil. The original concept of this web site was to replicate that as much as possible--ample use of white space to mimic the mount board, and light gray text to mimic the penciled title/date/signature.
Over the years I've fielded many complaints about the gray text being unreadable. Most of the compaints have come from laptop users, but some people with regular monitors also had trouble with it. But I could read it just fine ;-). Well I finally caved in and converted all the text to black. It *is* much easier to read, and it looks good, but I'm worried that in some cases the text might overpower the images (it is, after all, ALL about the IMAGES!). But now that it's done, there's no turning back. I hope everyone now enjoys being able to read my Web site!
You can check out the changes at www.mattartz.com.
Many more Web site changes have been done recently or are being done now...
[ photograph above: La Jola, 2004 ]