Sindi Wasserman invited me to participate in a group photography show at the Gallery Soho in Pomona, California in December 2004. The show is called "Visions and Perspectives". In addition to Sindi and myself, the work of Dorothy Brunell, William David Coxon, and Yoshio Kitazawa will also be featured. I will post more details (exact dates, times, and directions) soon.
This will be a new experience for me. I've been preparing by printing and mounting as many photographs as possible. I may only have 20 or so prints up on the wall, but at this rate I'll have close to 1,000 mounted prints (not all unique--some duplicates!) for gallery visitors to choose from. I honestly don't expect to sell that much, but you never know...
You can check out some of Sindi's work on her web site, Butterfly Creations.
[ photograph above: Arcosanti, 2004 ]